Trip Leaders - Brian & Rieta Medancic
Trip Name:
Weekend at Grannys
Trip Leaders:
Brian & Rieta Medancic
Date of Trip:
Fri 17 - Sun 19 May, 2024
Fri 6:00pm
8 Cars
Fuel Requirements:
Full tank - Fill up at Mansfield. We will not have time to fuel up Saturday morning.
Channel 15
All recovery gear. A/T Tyres is a must. Lift and winch are preferable but not essential. You may scrape the bottom of your car if not lifted. Self-sufficient for food.
Two nights of free camp at Granny's Flat in Jamieson. There are drop toilets but no shower.
We will be base camping at Granny's Flat Campground in Jamieson. Facilities at the campsite include a drop toilet and a river. You will need to bring enough food and water supplies for the weekend. and a sense of humour. The trip will start on Friday to give a chance for everyone to socialise and get to know each other. We will be there early Friday to secure a spot. We will explore some of the local tracks and visit some mines time permitting. There will be at least one river crossing. If enough time we will also stop at the Kevington pub and then return to camp. The plan is to book dinner at the Jamieson Brewery Saturday night. Sunday's plan is to relax and maybe explore another track depending on the consensus Rieta & I may stay an extra night.
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